The city center of Gunugsitoli on Nias Island lies
in ruins yesterday after a potent 8.7-magnitude earthquake hammered Indonesia's
west coast, burying victims in collapsed homes. By last night 330 bodies had
been recovered. -- Xinhua
At least 320 people were confirmed dead in the Nias Island over an earthquake
measuring 8.5at Richter scale northwest to the Sumatra Island late Monday, an
officer in charge of emergency relief affairs for the Nias Island said
"The total death toll is about 320 people and 85 percent of the
buildings on the island were destroyed," said Major Infantry Joko Supriyanto,
who works for the Civil Military and Aid Co-operation which now serves as
emergency relief center for the Nias Island.
There are more bodies under the debris, which cannot be removed
immediately for lack of equipment, he said, adding Indonesian Vice President
Jusuf Kalla said that the final casualty could reach 2,000.
The quake also damaged the roads, bridges and airport, and one can
reach there only by ship or helicopter, he said.
"The airport can be landed by small plane only," he said, adding that
10 trucks of relief materials like bed sheets will be shipped to the island
Tuesday night and medical staff are on their way too.
The strong earthquake with its epicenter near that of the Dec. 26
earthquake were also felt in Singapore, Malaysia and