A Indonesian girl suspected of having infected bird flu virus died here
Tuesday morning, an official said.
Siti Sarah Mahliza, 16, showed a symptom of the lethal disease,which made the
content of leucosite in her blood declined, head ofinformation and surveillance
of the designed bird flu Hospital of Sulianti Suroso, Ilham Putu said.
"This patient has symptoms similar with bird flu, she (previously) had
contacted with bird, then there is a decline of leucosite in her body," Putu
The doctors would examine the respiratory problem suffered by the patient,
aiming at ensuring whether the symptom was a pneumonia, Putu said.
The World Health Organization has confirmed that nine people have contracted
the H5N1 virus in Indonesia and five of them have died. The virus has attacked
chickens and pigs in the country, which led the authorities to slaughter
millions of them.
Earlier, the health minister warns of other possible attacks ofthe disease.
In Indonesia, the decease has spread to 21 provinces out of 33 since late