Job aides to help farmers
5/4/2004 16:22
As part of the city's move to help farmers find jobs, employment
assistants will visit more than 2,000 village-based neighborhood committees in
ten counties in the local suburban area, according to the Shanghai Social and
Labor Security Bureau. "We are busy training those employment assistants
now," said a spokesman with the employment office of the bureau, because farmers
have become potential jobless people in Shanghai, the spokesman
said. According to statistics, there are 800,000 farmers in the local
suburban area, and the number is expected to be cut to 250,000 by 2020,
indicating that Shanghai will need to solve the employment problem for 550,000
farmers during the coming 15 years. To date, there are 3,500 job assistants
covering the city and town-based neighborhood committees. Last year, more than
70,000 jobless found jobs with the help of the aides.
However, to date
the existing 200,000 farmers, although having employment registration cards, are
without the help of the assistants. "We usually have much work to do, so we
are too busy to handle employment work for farmers, and things will be better
after the job assistants come here," said a vice director with the neighborhood
committee of Xinzhen Village, Wanxiang Town of Nanhui
Wendy Zhang/ Shanghai Daily news