ECNU joins hands with French universities
20/6/2005 16:23
Jane Chen /Shanghai Daily news
East China Normal
University (ECNU), a prestigious institution of higher learning in Shanghai,
announced the offering of a joint postgraduate school with French university
Groupe des Ecoles Normales Superieures (ENS) on June 19. The two institutions
hope the trial cooperation, the first between Chinese and French universities,
will produce positive results in higher education and promote more cooperation
between Chinese schools and French enterprises. Today's ENS is the result of
a union in 1985 of the Ecole normale superieure at the rue d'Ulm and the Ecole
normale superieure de jeunes filles in Sevres. It has four schools: ENS de
Cachan, ENS de Paris, ENS de Lyon Sciences and ENS de Lyon LSH (Social Sciences
and Humanities).