Locals spend more time on study
24/9/2003 14:48
Shanghai residents spend more time on study, with 2.09 million locals
taking part in ordinary training courses last year, an increase of 22 percent
from 1999, the Jiefang Daily reported today. The number of training
institutes in the city established by non-government organs increased from 1,179
four years ago to 1,431. According to a survey by the Shanghai Municipal
Trade Union of 5,000 local employees, 62 percent of respondents spend their
weekends on study, 50 percent spend 300-1,000 yuan (US$36-US$120) annually on
studies and training, and 81.6 percent read at least one book every month.
Ordinary training with no academic degrees offered previously attracted only
elderly people and middle or elementary school students, such as those in
calligraphy, housekeeping, piano and painting. Foreign language and
vocational training still have generated strong interest from locals nowadays,
with the number of locals signing up for foreign language training last year
increasing by more than 60 percent from the previous year. More white-collar
employees are participating in the training, with the number accounting for half
of the total number in Shanghai. Foreign language and computer skills have
become the fundamental tools for a white-collar employee, with financial, law,
accounting, consulting, cargo transport and modern management training currently
proving very popular.
Wendy Zhang/ Shanghai Daily news