1. Wenhui Daily: Hello, I¡¯m from Wenhui Daily. I have two questions. The
first question goes to Mr Zhang, director of the city¡¯s Environmental Protection
Bureau. What measures does the city have to implement the sewage reduction goals
for the 11th Five-year Plan period? Some documents say that Shanghai is under
great pressure to reduce the total amount of discharged sewage. What is the main
source of the problem? Are there measures to alleviate the pressure? The second
question is for the government spokesman. How is the city getting along with its
program of building a pool of low-rent housing by using the profits from the
added value of the public housing fund?
Zhang Quan: The question hits the key point. The COD is one of the main
pollutants in water. The water pollution problem has cropped up in Shanghai
since the 1970s, and we¡¯ve made it our top job to tackle the water pollution
among our efforts to solve environment problems. This can be seen from our work
to fight pollution in Suzhou Creek and other major waterways and build a network
of sewage treatment plants. As to the reduction of COD during the 11th Five-year
Plan period, we plan to cut 15%, or 45,000 tons, in five years, based on 300,000
tons of COD in 2005. The target is the sixth biggest among all the provinces in
China. The 15% reduction gives us a great pressure mainly because of two
factors. One, the total amount of water consumption is huge in Shanghai where
the demand for water use is steadily rising because of the economic growth. The
urban areas use about 7 million tons of water annually on average, producing a
great amount of sewage. This is the pressure from the economic growth. Second,
the pressure is that the capacity of handling sewage lags behind the increasing
amount of sewage discharged. The city¡¯s environment projects feature a huge
scale and a long circle. For example, the Bailonggang sewage treatment plant was
designed with a capacity of 2 million tons, one of the biggest among the world,
and that¡¯s why the project demands a packed timetable and a long circle. The
most difficult time for us to reach the goal of cutting COD is in the next two
years. We have to stepp up the efforts to build the network of sewage treatment
plants. We¡¯re going to finish the construction and renovation of more than 30
plants and relevant pipelines, and increase the ratio of second-tier sewage
treated to above 85% from the current 73%. We¡¯re doing our best to reach the
goal of cutting COD by 15%, or a total of 45,000 tons, by the year 2010 when we
host the World Expo.
We have similar problems with sulfur dioxide, so we can only markedly improve
the environment by stepping up efforts to cut sewage discharge. We¡¯ll cut 26%,
based on the amount of sulfur dioxide in 2005, and reduce the amount to 380,000
tons from 510,000 tons. The cut will the biggest in the country. We have
specific measures to achieve the goal. One, we¡¯ll require all coal-burning power
plants to install desulfurizing equipment. Two, we¡¯ll shut down small power
generation units that are low in efficiency but high in pollutant discharge.
Three, we¡¯ll make sure power is generated by using highly efficient generation
units and clean energy whenever possible. We¡¯ll also use legal, economic,
administrative, technological and other measures. Despite the pressure, we¡¯re
sure to reach the goal during the 11th Five-year Plan period with joint efforts
from all sides, and breakthrough progress will be made in cutting the sewage
discharge and improving the environment in Shanghai. As Mayor Han said,
we¡¯ll¡°leave no new loans while paying off the old debts gradually.¡±Thank you!
Chen Qiwei: The public is concerned on the use of the added value of the
housing funds. By the end of the 2006, the aggregate added value of the housing
funds topped 8.414 billion yuan. By following the Regulations on Management of
Public Housing Fund issued by the State Council, the city withdrew a total of
2.360 billion yuan worth of supplementary fund allocated for construction of
urban low-rent housing after deducting loan risk reserve fund and management
cost. Of the withdrawn fund, 339 million yuan was used for renovation of
dilapidated houses and subsidies to low-rent housing programs. A total of 2
billion yuan (one-fourth of the total amount spent nationwide on similar
projects) was used this time for building a pool of low-rent houses, accounting
for 98.96% of the available low-rent housing fund.
Since October when the city kicked off the work of building a pool of
low-rent housing, two groups of contracts for low-rent houses with a total floor
area of 150,000 square meters have been signed, and contracts involving another
350,000 square meters are expected to be sealed within this year.
The pool of low-rent housing features small homes, originally built for sale,
each with a floor area of about 50 square meters. About 70% of the nearly 8,000
units of housing scheduled to be included into the pool are readily available in
Zhoupu, Kangqiao, Pujiang, Gucun and Jiangqiao areas, which are located near
subway lines under construction and planning.
The purchase prices, at 3,700-4,000 yuan per square meter, for these homes
were listed in the contracts that won the bid.
Our next major tasks include decorating the houses according to the standards
of low-rent homes, and managing the property rights and ownership rights while
drafting policies on the use of the low-rent homes. The pilot programs will
start in Xuhui and Changning districts.
2. SMG TV News Center: Thank you£¡I¡¯m from SMG TV News Center. The first
question goes to Mr Zhang. The city has attached great importance to reducing
pollutants discharge. However, in recent years the number of motor vehicles has
been rising, and it¡¯s been a common sight that buses and trucks give off heavy
smoke. Could you tell us what the city will do to control the pollution from
motor vehicles and reduce the heavy smoke£¿Are there timeframes for the efforts?
The second question goes to the government spokesman. The wining bid prices at
the auctions of private car plates have been steadily rising in the past few
months. Has it attracted due attention from relevant authorities? Do they have
measures to tackle the problem?
Zhang Quan: It¡¯s an important question. It¡¯s been a long-standing problem
that buses and diesel trucks give off heavy smoke. This should be blamed mainly
on the quality of the Chinese-made heavy-duty vehicles. The overall quality and
emission level of small cars made in China are almost the same as the world
standards, however, the heavy-duty vehicles have quality problems. To tackle
this problem, the city has taken corresponding measures. First, the city¡¯s
People¡¯s Congress passed in October the revised version of the measures on the
prevention and control of air pollution, which will go into force on January 1,
2008. The measures will serve as a legal basis for enforcing the rules on heavy
smoke. Two, a joint law enforcement mechanism involving police was set up and
will be operational starting January 1, 2008. Three, efforts were stepped up to
adopt the international I/M system.¡°I¡±stands for inspection, which means to
inspect a vehicle for problems; and¡°M¡±stands for maintenance. The inspection and
maintenance form a cycle, that¡¯s to say, a vehicle should be maintained
immediately after a problem is discovered in the inspection, and it cannot run
on the street until the problem is fixed. The distribution of the system in the
city takes several years to finish. In the next two years, the focus of the
fight on air pollution will be on the buses emitting heavy smoke, and we¡¯ll try
to solve the long-standing problem by the time the World Expo is held in the
Chen Qiwei: First, I¡¯d like to tell you that this month¡¯s auction of
the private car plates will be held on December 22.
It has been more than 10 years since the city adopted the policy to control
the number of the newly bought automobiles on the urban streets, and the policy
has played an active role in alleviating traffic pressure on urban areas and
saving energy and reducing pollutant emission.
Since the beginning of this year, the winning bid prices for the auction have
been steadily increasing. It is said that the unreasonable high prices are
partly blamed on some car dealers that collaborate to push up the prices to
boost their sales. This has aroused close attention from authorities who have
stepped up working on measures to better manage the auction, which are expected
to be adopted at the beginning of next year. We hope that car buyers will bid in
a rational and independent way, and the bidding system will also remind the
bidders to do so during the auction. Authorities will crack down on the practice
of pushing up prices and disrupting the market order.
While the city continues to control the number of automobiles in downtown, it
will take into consideration the rising market demand for private cars. So the
city will tilt the plate quota toward private cars and impose strict
restrictions on the growth of corporate cars, especially those of government
departments. In addition, because of the Spring Festival holidays, authorities
will move the February auction forward to January and merge the two monthly
3. Jiefang Daily: I¡¯m from Jiefang Daily. The first question is for Mr Zhang
Quan, director of the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau. Shanghai is the
country¡¯s biggest consumer of coal, but it plans the biggest cut of sulfur
dioxide discharge in China during the 11th Five-year Plan period. Could you tell
us what measures the city has to ensure the goal is reached? The second question
goes to the city government spokesman. The central bank and the banking
regulatory commission have jointly issued the Supplementary Circular on
Enhancing Management of Commercial Credits to Real Estate. How will it influence
Shanghai¡¯s real estate market?
Zhang Quan: It is a tough job to cut the discharge of sulfur dioxide because
Shanghai is always a huge consumer of coal, at more than 52 million tons now. To
reach the goal of cutting it by 26%, we have four measures. One, all the
coal-burning generation units must have desulfurizing equipment. So far, 2
million kilowatts of generation units have the equipment, and the remaining 14
power plants with a total capacity of more than 7 million kilowatts are expected
to carry out desulfurization in the next two years. Two, the structure is to be
overhauled. Those big and efficient generation units will be promoted and those
small-scale and low-efficiency generation units, involving about 2 million
kilowatts in total, will be closed down. Three, those generation units having
desulfurizing equipment and burning clean energy will be given a priority in
generating power. It is a measure of epitomizing management. Four, a system
of¡°verifying total amount and authorizing projects¡±will be adopted to prevent
the consumption of coal from rising two fast. What¡¯s more, law enforcement will
be intensified. All power plants will be put under close monitoring, for
example, it will be further monitored after desulfuring facilities are installed
to ensure that the facilities are working properly. Of course we have other
measures to ensure the 26% goal is reached, for example, a policy to¡°guide
beforehand¡±followed up with strict law enforcement to¡°push it.¡±
Chen Qiwei: We¡¯ve paid attention to the relevant policies the central bank
and the banking regulatory commission jointly issued recently.
To better implement the Circular on Enhancing Management of Commercial
Credits to Real Estate issued on September 27 by the central bank and the
banking regulatory commission, the two agencies listened to suggestions by
relevant authorities and some commercial banks and recently jointly issued the
Supplementary Circular on Enhancing Management of Commercial Credits to Real
Estate, which clarifies on the¡°tighten management of housing loans¡±mentioned in
the former document. The Supplementary Circular makes it clear that the number
of mortgages is based on the unit of a family (rather than a family member).
This is another major step to set a common line for all commercial banks to
follow and further control the housing loans, which helps implement
macro-control policies on the real estate market and ensure a stable, healthy
and sustainable growth of the real estate market.
The Circular issued in September raised the proportion of down payment and
loan rate after the first mortgage. The market transactions (after the Circular
was issued) showed that a wait-and-see attitude has begun to take hold. The
commercial housing price index during the January-November period rose 2.8% year
on year. Shanghai will carry out the state rules in an active way in the hope
that the rules will play an active role in helping the local real estate market
grow healthily and stably and prevent credit crisis. Its actual influence on the
real estate market has yet to unfold.
4. China Business News: I¡¯m from China Business News. My questions are for Mr
Zhang. Shanghai has a huge market for environment protection business and has
introduced world-leading companies to treat the local water environment. Could
you tell us whether Shanghai will introduce more world-leading, large
enterprises to join the city¡¯s environment protection projects? The second
question. I¡¯ve learned that there aren¡¯t enough landfill sites in Shanghai, and
it is a trend that more and more sites are being built in urban areas instead of
in the suburbs. Is it true? And how to solve the problem?
Zhang Quan: You are right in talking about the environment protection
industry. The efforts to protect the environment will boost environment
protection business, and as a matter of fact, only after laws are made and
strictly implemented can there be a real market for environment protection
business. There is a huge demand for environment protection business in the city
during the 11th Five-year Plan period, as it will inject about 3% of its GDP
into environment protection programs, including those for water, air and solid
waste and for greenland. The city¡¯s environment protection market is relatively
open, attracting professional companies from home and abroad, including those
private enterprises. The French company Veolia is an example. The extent of
opening and level of standardization in the environment protection market in
Shanghai are favorable to the growth of the sector. The factor of environment is
also a factor of public security, and the market degree of the factor will
decide the growth of the industry. Usually, only with intensifying monitoring
from the government can the market open up gradually. Public security and
opening up the market have to be coordinated. Generally speaking, the city has a
huge market for environment protection businesses, and there will be greater
opportunities to such enterprises in the next few years.
To treat solid waste, there are now several approaches, one is to landfill,
two is incinerate and three to treat in a comprehensive way. The first one is
relatively economical but needs much more land. With more funds available,
better methods such as incineration and comprehensive treatment, as well as
other methods that feature recyclable economy, have gained popularity. To begin
with, Shanghai used the landfill method, such as the Laogang Town landfill. And
now we¡¯ve the Jiangqiao and Yuqiao incineration plants and a project featuring
recyclable economy in Laogang Town. A certain amount of land has been reserved
in Laogang, but the land, usable for 30-40 years, is so precious that we¡¯ll use
it in cautious and economical way.
5. Caijing Magazine: I¡¯m from Caijing Magazine. Mr Zhang, you said just now
that major projects in Shanghai will undergo environmental demonstration. What
has your environment bureau done about the Maglev project? Could you tell us
something about the research into the project, such as the environment
protection demonstration, environment assessment and the investigation in
Shanghai by the State Environmental Protection Administration? Environment
assessment of the project should have involved participation by the public,
however, many residents expected to relocate for the project know nothing about
it. Have you thought about how to handle or improve it over the lack of public
Zhang Quan: The Maglev project is a hot issue. The project¡¯s two major
impacts to the environment are from noise and magnetic radiation. Sufficient
testing and demonstration have shown that its magnetic radiation is very small.
Testing of the current Maglev shows that radiation in areas 3-5 meters away is
well within the background level. The noise is loud when the train travels at a
speed of above 200 kilometers (per hour). The noise problem can be solved by
slowing down the train in downtown and accelerating in the suburbs. How to
handle it? Firstly, the route is being epitomized to avoid going near as many
residential buildings as possible. Secondly, better science popularization work
is to be done. Citizens generally believe that the radiation is huge, but it
actually is not so huge, and a scientific cognition is needed. As to approval of
the project, authorities are epitomizing the route and then will make it clear
to the public through communications. The project is subject to approval by the
central government, and we¡¯ll cooperate closely with the State Environmental
Protection Administration to ensure a scientific assessment of environment and
authorization of the project in line with laws. The project is still in the
preliminary stage. Thank you!