Chile ratifies agreement on indigenous people
23/9/2008 18:00
Chile has ratified the Agreement No. 169 of the International Labor
Organization (ILO) on Ingenious People, which guarantees the indigenous people's
cultural, social, economic and historical rights. "The President of the
(Chilean) republic Michelle Bachelet, ratified the Agreement no. 169 of the ILO,
the only international agreement entailed specifically to the indigenous
Peoples," according to a statement jointly issued by General Secretary of
Chile's President Jose Antonio Viera Gallo and Chilean Planning Minister Paula
Quintana yesterday. The agreement will be put in operation from Sept. 15,
2009 after the Chilean government completes its institutional structure for its
full application. The Chilean National Congress began its review of the
agreement from 1991. The Deputies Chamber approved it on April 11, 2000 and the
Senate okayed it on March 4, 2008 after 17 years of parliamentarian
procedures. Up to date in Latin America, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala,
Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay and
Honduras have signed the Agreement No. 169.