Manchu's Hair Bun



  The Manchu’s Hair Bun meant the hair bun like "liang ba tou", "da la chi"and so on. The way of combing the hair bun of liang ba tou(two plaits) was: comb the hair backward, put it into two plaits and droop to the neck; then, fold the two plaits respectively up, adding glue while flatterning, turn up slightly and fold the remaining hair up to join into one plait, repeat so till to the front top of the head; next, coil around the hair root with head string(red silk thread or cotton thread string) and tied it up firmly, then insert a headwear called deltoid and coiled the remaining hair on it, making the deltoid and the hair root a kind of“T”shape. It also wore big flower and pearls in the front and droop tassels in the side. Later on, the Manchu’s hair bun was increasing heightened and the side angle enlarged with a fan-styled coronet made by green satin plain, gray velvet and green diametrical yarn, which was called "qi tou" or offical dress, or generally called as "da la chi".