"> Eastday-History & Culture of the Yellow River
History & Culture of the Yellow River


  As the Chinese regard yellow as an emblem of loess land, the emperor, the yellow skin and the legendary Chinese Dragon, the Yellow River is referred as not only a river, but also "the Mother River" and "the Cradle of the Chinese Civilization".

  30 million years ago, ancient Chinese started to live by the shore of the Yellow River and played the overture of the ancient Chinese civilization. It is the birthplace of the ancient Chinese civilizations and is the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. Six thousand years ago, as a representative of the matriarchal culture, Banpo Clan had existence on the Loess land of north China.

  The reign of Chinese ancient emperors of several dynasties promotes the development of ancient Chinese civilizations to the peak. Gunpowder, compass, paper making, printing, poetry, Song of the Song Dynasty , all of these inventions and scientific achievements not only promote Chinese culture development, but also spread it to the rest of the world, making an important contribution to the cultural development of human beings.