The Roots
Date/Time List:
May 26th, 2015 19:30 (Tue.)
Daning Theatre
Ticket Price (RMB):
580,480,380,280,180,80 Yuan
Booking Hotline:
First and foremost, The Roots is a human adventure, a journey enacted by eleven exceptional hip-hop dancers. Chapter after chapter, the actual performance transforms, opens up new horizons and brings the spectator elsewhere. This universe consists of ordinary settings, a table.. a crackling vinyl record on a turntable, childhood memories.. Music plays a crucial part,stirring and calling for the unity of dancers. Brahms, Beethoven, electro music... all these melodies open doors to a dancing mankind. This creation digs into one’s history, each dancer with their strengths and their own path.The Roots represent the rewards of this quest: drawing from the generosity of this dance in order to discover new paths.