American woman sells Chinese pancake in US and makes a hit

美国女子天津游玩偷师学艺 回国卖煎饼6美元一个

When foreigners travel to China, what will they take home as a souvenir? American Alisa Grandy's choice is quite different. She filched the craft of making pancake ("Jian Bing" in Chinese language) which she ate in Tianjin and opened a roadside stall selling the snack in US, said

“药药药!切克闹!煎饼果子来一套!”外国人来中国旅游,会把什么带回去作纪念?大多数美国游客从中国回国带回来的要么是一件T恤,要么就是景区的纪念品。不过,美国人艾丽莎·格兰迪(Alisa Grandy)的选择却与众不同,她在天津玩耍的时候吃了煎饼,于是她就偷师学艺把煎饼带回国,开了个路边摊,一个6美元(约36元人民币)。

Editor: Wang Jiaye
