Dressing up for Star Wars Day

星战粉丝齐聚米兰 庆祝星球大战日(组图)

Fans gathered in Milano, Italy on May 3, 2015 local time, celebrating the Star Wars Day. The date was chosen for the easy pun on the catchphrase in the movie "May the Force be with you" -- "May the fourth be with you". (Photo: IC)

当地时间2015年5月3日,星战粉丝齐聚意大利米兰,庆祝星球大战日。电影《星球大战》系列有一句经典台词:“May the force be with you”,跟“May the Fourth be with you”发音相近,因此5月4日被定为“星球大战日”。

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Editor: Wang Jiaye