Carnival for cosers

2015魔都“夏日祭”Cos上演 比基尼妹子嗨翻天

Shanghai Summer Festival 2015, one of the popular events for comic and animation fans was held at The Place or called Hongqiao Nanfengcheng shopping mall on July 5, 2015, featuring cool cosers, bikini girls, creative fairs, bathrobe contest and water war. (Photo: IC)

7月5日, 2015魔都“夏日祭”活动在上海虹桥南丰城举行,创意市集、浴衣妹纸、炫酷美萌cosers令人目不暇接。在夏日祭的水枪大战中,各种女仆、比基尼齐上阵,颇为吸引眼球。“夏日祭”已成为沪上动漫爱好者的一大节日。


Editor: Wang
