Giant yellow rubber duck meets visitors at Century Park (4)


The 18-metre-high authorized yellow rubber duck begins to meet the visitors officially in Jingtian Lake of Century Park in Shanghai on Oct 23, 2014. The father of the duck Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman appears on the scene, raising the curtain of the month-long exhibition with an autistic child named Yan Yan from Shanghai who wrote to him this January expressing the desire to watch the rubber duck in Shanghai.

2014年 10月23日上午,正版大黄鸭正式“入驻”上海世纪公园镜天湖。大黄鸭的设计者、荷兰艺术家霍夫曼亲临现场与“鸭粉”见面。据悉,大黄鸭身高18米,宽 18米,长为25米,体重达到1吨,是普通小黄鸭的183.3倍,由200片拼成,没有额外支架。大黄鸭是由一位上海自闭症儿童岩岩写信邀请的,收到信 后,霍夫曼专程来上海看望自闭症儿童并开展大黄鸭之旅。

Editor: Wang
