American squirrel poses for photos in changing fashions

美国小松鼠为食物甘当模特 百变造型走红网络(组图)

Aug 19, 2015 - A squirrel named Sneezy is pictured in a series of human outfits on campus of Penn State University, America. Sneezy is a resident at the university and she was "discovered" by a student Mary Krupa 4 years ago. The squirrel is very friendly and even allows being touched, of course, which needs food as a precondition. Afterwards, Sneezy is used to being a "model", posing for funny photos in many kinds of outfits and props. (Photo: IC)

2015年8月19日报道,在美国宾州州立大学的校园内,一只叫Sneezy的小松鼠引起了人们的关注。Sneezy是这所大学的“常住居民”,女大学生Mary Krupa 四年前在学校内发现了它。Sneezy非常友好,甚至允许人摸它,当然,这都是以能交换到好吃的为前提的。后来,小松鼠慢慢习惯了当Mary的模特,让她在自己头顶上放一些很轻的帽子,在各种小道具面前摆拍萌萌的照片。

Editor: Wang
