Cat that looks like Einstein becomes a sensation

喵星人爱吐舌头 神似爱因斯坦走红网络(组图)

Hailed as Einstein in the world of cats, a Scottish Fold goes viral online recently. The five-year-old kitten called Melissa has more than 6,000 followers on Instagram. Its Russian owner Alina Esther took a series of photos of it. In these photos, Melissa wearing sunglasses or ties sticks out its long tongue, similar with Albert Einstein in the iconic tongue thrust photo. (Photo: IC)

近日,一只苏格兰折耳猫凭借“喵界爱因斯坦”的美誉在网络爆红,仅在Instagram上就已拥有6000多名粉丝。这只5岁的小猫叫梅丽莎,它的俄罗斯主人Alina Esther为其拍摄了一系列的吐舌萌照。照片中,梅丽莎戴着领结或太阳眼镜,吐出长长的舌头,与爱因斯坦最具标志性的吐舌照有着惊人的相似。

Editor: Wang Jiaye
