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Shanghai donation centers
20/1/2005 10:00


Wang Ronghua, 92, hands over his life savings of 100,000 yuan (US$12,000) on Tuesday to officials of the Shanghai Charity Foundation. The money will help victims of the tsunami catastrophe.

Here's How To Give:
Support Tsunami Victims Across Asia

Shanghai Charity Foundation
Donation hot line: 6258 4343, 6253 4343 (fax)
Address: 6th floor, 88 Zhizaoju Road
Account name: Shanghai Charity Foundation
RMB Account: Lujiabang Sub-branch, Agricultural Bank of China
US$ Accoount: Huangpu Sub-branch, Pudong Development Bank
HK$ Account: Huangpu Sub-branch, Pudong Development Bank

Shanghai Red Cross
Donation hot line: 6247 6966, 6247 6963 ext. 8207, 6247 8001 (fax)
Address: Building 19, 1400 Beijing Road W.
Account name: Humanitarian Relief Fund, Shanghai Red Cross
RMB Account: JingˇŻan Sub-branch, Bank of Communications

Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau
Donation hot line: 6321 5978, 6323 2222 ext. 1613, 6321 7557 (fax)
Address: Room 161, 215 Jiangxi Road M.
Account name: Welfare and Disaster Relief Fund,Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau
RMB Account: Shanghai Branch, Bank of Communications