New Year Wishes 2017 from Poland    Date:2017-01-29

Piotr Nowotriak, Consul General of Poland in Shanghai wrote New Year messages in Chinese and English.

“Happy New Year of the Rooster!”

“There are many major projects and events the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Shanghai has planned for the coming New Year.

Firstly, we are expecting the state visit of the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło to China. One of the most important projects this year is the opening of the Polish Language and Culture Major at the Shanghai International Studies University to present Shanghainese friends with the opportunity to learn in depth about Polish culture and to study the Polish language.

In March people of Shanghai will have an opportunity to get a glimpse of modern Polish architecture and UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Poland. This will be possible during the exhibition “POLSKA. ARCHITECTURE” at the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center. During the Year of the Rooster we would like to continue to present and promote the variety of the Polish food industry during the SIAL China 2017 exhibition.

In recent years the “Belt and Road” initiative has brought Poland and China even closer together and has become an opportunity for cooperation in many fields, including business, education and tourism. Shanghai harbor serves as the oldest joint venture in China – the Chinese-Polish Shipping Company CHIPOLBROK – as well as for many Polish businessmen, tourists, scholars and artists. Following the visit of the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda to China, including Shanghai, and the visit of the President of China, Xi Jinping to Poland, a growing number of Chinese and Shanghainese have decided to travel to Poland and establish their business relations there.

We hope the Year of the Rooster will bring many new examples of the cooperation between China and Poland as well as between Shanghai and Poland.”