Consul General of Italy in Shanghai delivers New Year speech    Date:2016-02-05

意大利驻上海总领事 裴思泛

Stefano Beltrame

Consul General of Italy in Shanghai

你们好!Thank you for interviewing me, it is a great pleasure.


Let me take one step back. It has been 400 years now that scientific cooperation between Italy and China started. If you go to visit one of my favorite places here in Shanghai in Xuhui, Xu Guangqi Memorial, you can see Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi talking about astronomy with Galileo telescope.


Italy and China now has this cooperation on the dioxide of the moon in space. We would like to cooperate here in Shanghai by increasing the number of Italian professors teaching in Chinese universities. In eastern China, there are about 50 Italian professors, we like to increase the number a big more.


"One Belt and One Road", in Italy we like it very much. We called it New Silk Road. We Italy remember very well the first Silk Road was made by Italians coming from Venice to China like Marco Polo going to Hangzhou and Yangzhou. And now we are happy to see after many years Chinese go their way on and go back to the same way.We would like to cooperate with China in many fields, in the maritime.


I love Shanghai. I have been here almost for one year and a half. I am still amazed to see our lively, pushing and fast-growing city.


We have new Italy Initiative this year. Urbanization is one of prosper cooperation between Italy and China. City like Shanghai is one of the suitable places.


Italy for example is the No.1 producers of CV helicopters; in everywhere in the world big cities like Shanghai have a lot of helicopters for transportation. China is opening up low-altitude aviation market. I think there will be a few of cooperation in the city of Shanghai which can be very interesting for both sides.


I really like the cultural life in Shanghai. We cooperate with many Shanghai museums. We are trying to do more and more in the future.


Best wishes for the New Year 新年快乐,恭喜发财!
