Delta region gripes soar over holiday
Source:Shanghai Daily | 2019-10-09 07:37

The consumer complaint hotline 12315 received 12,150 complaints from the Yangtze River Delta region over the National Day break, 2,556 of which came from Shanghai, the city’s market watchdog said.

The region refers to Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu provinces and Shanghai.

Among the complaints, most issues were about food and clothing quality, false advertisement, after-sales problems and disputes over accommodation and catering services.

The number of complaints and tip-offs from Shanghai saw a 3 percent increase compared with last year. The majority of complaints were about poor service at restaurants, online bookings at hotels and delayed delivery of online food orders.

The market watchdog pointed out that as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta accelerates, people are also consuming more. As a result, the demands from customers to defend their legal rights are also on the rise.