The Site of the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China




  Located at No.106 and No.108 Wangzhi Road (the present No.76 and No.78 Xingye Road), the Site of the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China is two two-storey brick buildings in the style of Shikumen, a typical construction in Shanghai.


  The building was built in 1920 and it was firstly the residence of Li Hanjun, one of the initiators of the Shanghai Communist Group, and his brother Li Shucheng, one of initiators of the United League.


  In July 23, 1921, the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held here. The central task of the congress was to discuss the question of officially establishing the Chinese Communist Party. The congress adopted the first Party program and decided on the name of the Party as the Communist Party of China. The congress also adopted the Resolution on the Present Tasks, according to which the central task of the Party after its founding was to get the working class organized and to provide guidance to the workers' movement.

  The congress moved on a boat on Lake Nanhu in Jiaxing County, Zhejiang Province in the last day.


  After 1949, the site was the Heng Fu Chang Noodles Square. In the October of 1951, it was confirmed as the memorial hall and in 1958, it was repaired according to the original. In 1961, the memorial hall was listed as one of the National Key Cultural Units.


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