To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Consul Generals in Shanghai sit down with Eastday reporters to talk about their countries’ friendly ties with China.
Czech Republic, land of stories: heartily looks forward to the next 70 years

By:Zheng Qian


2018年11月 5日,上海的四叶草国家会展中心里,悬挂点缀着两三只白色圆球、由红色斯柯达汽车、璀璨水晶、可爱小鼹鼠等装点的“满是故事”的捷克馆传来悠扬的钢琴声,围绕一架佩卓夫三角钢琴簇拥着中国国家主席习近平、俄罗斯总理梅德韦杰夫等多国政要。正在陶醉演奏的是捷克总统米洛什·泽曼(Miloš Zeman),很少在公众场合表现音乐才能的泽曼亲自为中国主席弹奏了一曲他本人最爱的《Sentimental Journey》作为欢迎习主席参观捷克馆的礼物,成为中捷两国友好交往的又一段佳话。

On November 5, 2018, in the National Exhibition and Convention Centerof Shanghai, there comes a melodious piano sound from the Czech pavilion, which is themed “a land of stories” featuring a red Skoda car, sparkling crystals, and cute mole dolls; all classical products of the country. Surrounding a Petrof grand piano, senior political figures worldwide including Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev were listening to Miloš Zeman, the Czech President, performing Sentimental Journey, his favorite piano piece. Displaying a rarely-seen musical talent to welcome President Xi attending the Czech section, President Zeman regaled the crowd and created another anecdote of friendly exchanges between the two countries.

The Czech pavilion at the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) is adorned with white balls with the bilingual words “Czech Republic, Land of Stories.”

这是捷克总统泽曼自2013年当选以来第四次到访中国,自其就任五年来,中国与捷克的关系蒸蒸日上,用捷克驻沪总领事理查德·卡尔帕奇(Richard Krpac)的话说,在来中国就职五年多的时间里,他见到中捷关系方面“难以置信数量”的里程碑事件,政要的互访开启了两国关系的新时代,为两国各行业的合作提供了支撑。

This is the fourth time Mr. Zeman has visited China since he was elected in 2013. During the five years since his inauguration, the relationship between China and Czech has been flourishing. As Mr. Richard Krpac, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai said, he has seen an incredible amount of milestone events in Sino-Czech relations and the highest political level visits provide the umbrella for everything that has happened between the two countries.

In the Czech pavilion at the China International Import Expo, Czech President Zeman plays the piano for Chinese President Xi Jinping.

建交七十载 故事满满

Seventy years of diplomatic relations, full of stories


The Sino-Czech relationship has a profound origin. More than 700 years ago, Odoric de Pordenone, the Czech "Marco Polo" visited China. In Consul General Mr. Krpac’s view, the Chinese scenery and customs Odoric described in his travel books were the most impressive of the era.


Richard Krpac, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, has an interview with


The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the Czech Republic, with the latter, then known as Czechoslovakia, recognizing the PRC on only its sixth day of existence. When Czechoslovakia split into two independent sovereign states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia Republic in 1993, China immediately recognized the two countries and established ambassadorial diplomatic relations with both of them, and October 6, 1949, was kept as the date of diplomatic relations between China and the two newborns.


Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the traditional friendship between China and the Czech Republic and their two peoples has continuously deepened, and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science and technology has been fully explored. The Czech Republic, which used to be the industrial zone of the Austro-HungarianEmpire, is famous for its machinery manufacturing, machine tools, power equipment, ships and automobiles. In May 1952, the PRC and the Czechoslovak Republic signed an agreement on science and technology cooperation. This was the first intergovernmental agreement on science and technology signed by the PRC. One of the biggest achievements of this agreement was that Czechoslovakia assisted building the “Sino-Czechoslovakia Friendship Factory”(Shenyang Second Machine Tool Plant) in China to support the development of the machine tool industry of the new China. This was the first factory in China to establish friendly relations with foreign countries, and also the largest machine tool industry base in China at that time. The factory witnessed the transfer of Czech technology to China in this era and is also a unique epitome of the history of industrial technology in contemporary China.

A nameplate on a radial drilling machine of the Sino-Czechoslovakia Friendship Factory

At CIIE, the Czech exhibitors not only brought local products like Lobkowicz beer, Marlenka honey cakes and a Petrof piano, but also showcased the long-lasting friendship between China and the Czech Republic. A tractor model in the glass window reminded people of the scene of more than 670 pieces of agricultural machinery equipment from Czechoslovakia busy farming on the “Sino-Czechoslovakia Friendship Farm”. The 268-square-km farm was established in Cangzhou of Hebei Province in June 1956 after Czechoslovakia granted China more than 670 pieces of agricultural machinery for use there. In the early 1950s, in order to support the construction of the new China, a group of Czechoslovakian experts, scholars, and engineers even travelled to China. Today, there are still statues of Czechoslovakian experts and Chinese tractors, memorizing the important piece of history.

The reception ceremony of the Czechoslovakian Republic granting agricultural machinery to China.[Photo/]

People view the agricultural machinery the Czechoslovakian Republic granted to China.[Photo/]

In recent years, the cooperation between the two countries in science and technology has achieved remarkable results. Under the guidance of the Intergovernmental Science and Technology Cooperation Committee, the two countries have continuously supported the exchange of scientific research personnel for many years. Starting from 2011, the research and development center jointly built by the Czech Technical University(CTU) and CRRC Company has carried out close research and development cooperation in fields such as locomotives, joint control systems, electronics and power systems, and some of the results have been applied to the high-power electric locomotive products of CRRC.
随着2015年两国签署共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录,两国科技合作迎来更多契机。 2017年10月18日,为助力“一带一路”倡议在高等教育领域的深入落实,中欧国家捷克连同斯洛伐克、匈牙利、波兰、乌克兰、奥地利等国的10所理工类院校与中国著名工科大学联盟--卓越联盟9校(E9)共同成立“中国与中欧国家科技创新大学联盟”(ACCEU)。2017年11月24日,中国-捷克科技合作交流会在中国驻捷克大使馆隆重举行,这是中捷双方联合举办的一场高规格科技交流活动,双方就更多科技领域的互补合作达成多项共识。
As China signed a Memorandum of Understanding on promoting the Belt and Road Initiative with the Czech Republic in 2015, the scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries has ushered in more opportunities. On October 18th, 2017, in order to deepen the cooperation in higher education with Belt and Road countries, 10 science and technology universities in Central European countries including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and Austria jointly established the Alliance of China and Central European Universities for technology innovation (ACCEU) with the Chinese E9, an alliance of the most famous Chinese engineering universities. On November 24th, 2017, the China-Czech Science and Technology Cooperation and Exchange Conference was held in the Chinese Embassy in the Czech Republic. This was a high-profile scientific and technological exchange event jointly organized by China and the Czech Republic. The two sides have thus reached more cooperation consensus in scientific and technological fields.
深化与沪合作 进博会、爱乐乐团为最大亮点
Deepened cooperation with Shanghai: CIIE and Orchestra are highlights

In 2015, the Czech President Zeman visited Shanghai for the first time after attending the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's Resistance War AgainstJapanese AggressionandtheWorld Anti-fascistWar. The visit further promoted frequent exchanges between Shanghai and the Czech Republic, for instance, in May 2017, Shanghai established friendly city relationship with Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic with a memorandum on culture and health signed.
In fact, medical cooperation between Shanghai and the Czech Republic had already kicked off before. Consul General Mr. Krpac specifically mentioned the important cooperation project of aviation medical rescue. Since China and the Czech Republic signed a memorandum of understanding on strategic cooperation in health care in 2014, a number of cooperative projects in the medical and health fields started. In May 2017, Ruijin Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prague Emergency Medical Services and Gitzo Consumer Finance, jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Aviation Medical Assistance Cooperation. Based on this memo, Czech medical institutions should provide professional training for Chinese medical staff. In addition, related medical institutions on both sides should share information and data, communicate research results of typical medical cases and epidemiology, and exchange personnel to learn in each other’s land. Up to now, Ruijin Hospital has completed a number of airborne casualties and organs transport within and out of Shanghai. During the CIIE, the hospital also specially activated an "air lifeline" rescue measure to ensure the smooth progress of the rescue work of the Expo.

Shanghai Ruijin Hospital conducts an aviation medical rescue drill before the opening of CIIE

Moreover, a research center for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was officially opened in Hradec Kralove, a northern city inthe Czech Republic on June 17, 2015. Being the first research center for TCM in Central and Eastern Europe, it is jointly run by the Czech Hradec-Klarloway University Hospital and the Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and plays a leading role in promoting the integration of Chinese and Western medicine. Consul General Mr. Krpac knows this very well."There are a lot of people in the Czech Republic who are very interested in traditional Chinese medicine. This center is very close to my hometown. I know that for the next 6 months, it is impossible to make an appointment in this center, because every single day there is a queue of people who want to get the treatment. But it is still the first center in my country. My country isn’t very big, but it is still big enough to have a number of similar centers. I hope more Chinese medicine centers will be established in the Czech Republic.”
在理查德看来,商业方面,20多年来驻沪总领馆最重大的事件就是组织近70家捷克企业参加去年的进博会。作为捷克与中国商业往来领域的成功典型,有着150多年历史的佩卓夫钢琴三分之一的产品销往中国市场,在这次进博会上该品牌的市场推广获益颇多。此外,进博会期间,在捷克共和国驻华大使馆、捷克贸促局、捷克驻沪总领馆等共同组织的捷中商务论坛上,中捷两国企业更是签署了多项协议。其中包括CSG Aerospace公司与中国航天时代电子公司关于未来民用航空领域合作的框架协议、Zall Jihlavan Airplanes飞机和卓尔航空(武汉)购买SkyLead -600飞机购买合同的协议、PPF集团与华为技术有关5G电信战略合作的备忘录等。对于出口占国民生产总值百分之八十的捷克来说,进口博览会提供了巨大的机遇。被理查德称作“捷克版携程”的捷克旅游线上门户kiwi.com与中国春秋航空签署合作协议,用他的话说,将进一步推动捷克与中国之间的旅游交往。

For Mr. Krpac, from a business point of view, the most important event for the Consulate General in Shanghai was to organize nearly 70 Czech companies to participate in last year's Expo. As a successful example of business exchanges between the Czech Republic and China, the Petrof piano, which has a history of more than 150 years, sells one-third of its products to the Chinese market. At the CIIE, it had a great marketing event during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Czech pavilion. Also during the expo, at the Czech-China Business Forum - jointly organized by institutions including the Embassy of the Czech Republic in China, the Czech Trade Promotion Bureau and the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai - a larger number of other agreements were signed. These include the framework agreement between CSG Aerospace and China Aerospace Times Electronics on future civil aviation cooperation; the agreement between Zall Jihlavan Airplanes and Zall Aerospace (Wuhan) to purchase the SkyLead-600 aircraft; and the Memorandum of strategic cooperation between the PPF Group and Huawei Technologies on 5G Telecom. For the Czech Republic, 80% of whose gross national product lies in exports, the CIIE has offered enormous opportunities. For example,, a Czech online portal travel agency, called by Mr. Krpac “the Czech version of Ctrip” concluded a cooperation agreement with China Spring Airlines, and this will even further improve the tourist exchange between the Czech Republic and China.

The Czech-China Business Forum held during the first China International Import Expo

Culturally, the absolute highlight of the whole cultural season will be the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra coming to Shanghai in 2019.“The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the top five orchestras in the world. It is the orchestra that is on the same level as the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the Berlin Symphony Orchestra. These don’t travel often to Shanghai. So we are happy to bring the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra to Shanghai in May this year as a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the diplomatic relationship between Czech Republic and China. We are hoping to showcase not only the Czech classical music, such as Smetana and Dvorák, but we also like to show some Chinese classical pieces played by Czech Philharmonic, because they do very well in translating the culture,” said Mr. Krpac proudly.
说起中国建国70周年,从政二十多年的理查德对中国领导人邓小平流露出由衷的钦佩,不惜用“巨星”来形容这位伟人。“中国伟大的设计师邓小平--我是这颗巨星的粉丝。我认为他是20世纪最伟大的人,是和丘吉尔、曼德拉齐名的人。1979 年他在中国做的事很少有政治家在他们的国家那样做,在中国几十年完全没有利用自己的潜力后,他打开了中国的大门。之后的40年里中国做了很多难以置信的事情。历史上很多人是站在巨人的肩膀上取得了成就,但邓小平他自己就是一个巨人。”他以一种坚定的口吻这样评价。对于中捷关系下一个70年,他充满期待。
Speaking of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, Mr. Krpac, who has been in politics for 20-odd years, expressed his sincere admiration to former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and even used the appellation "superstar" to describe this great man.“I am the biggest admirer of Deng Xiaoping, I am a humble student of this star, that man is one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century. No doubt, he is in the same line asWinston Churchill and Nelson Mandela. What he did in 1979 to China is something very few politicians ever did to their nations. He kick-started China after several decades in which China did not use its potential at all. He basically opened the door. In the next 40 years, China did incredible things. In the history, you can put the credit on the shoulders of one man, but Deng Xiaoping is the one man who did that with his own shoulders,” he commented in a firm tone. For the next 70 years of Sino-Czech relations, he is full of expectations.

Richard Krpac, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, toasts to the Chinese people for his best wishes for the new year of 2019. The crystals and beer on the table are Czech world-renowned products.


Consul Generals' New Year Greetings

Executive producers: Zhao Xiaolei, Cao Jun

Reporters: Wang Jiaye, Wu Qiong, Zheng Qian, Lu Yukun, Xu Yiran

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