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Hungarian edition of book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" launched
From:Xinhua  |  2017-04-25 22:29

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Liu Qibao (L), member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Matrai Marta, executive vice chairman of the Hungarian National Assembly, attend the release ceremony of the Hungarian version of Chinese President Xi Jinping's book "Xi Jinping: the Governance of China" in Budapest, Hungary, on April 24, 2017. (Xinhua/Ye Pingfan)

BUDAPEST, April 24 (Xinhua) -- The Hungarian language edition of the book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" was released here Monday at the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), receiving warm applause from the Central and Eastern European country.

Liu Qibao, head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and Marta Matrai, deputy speaker of the Hungarian Parliament, attended the book-releasing ceremony.

Liu introduced the rich connotation of the book from the perspective of party governance, state governance and global governance.

He pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core, put forward a series of new ideas and new strategies based on China's contemporary national conditions and development practice, which profoundly answered the major theoretical and practical questions in party and state governance in the new era.

Liu said that President Xi's book is the main embodiment of the series of new theories, ideas and strategies. The publication of the Hungarian version of the book will open a new window for the Hungarian people to observe and perceive China, he added.

It will also help them to better know and understand China's ideas and road of development as well as China's domestic and foreign policies, said Liu.

"China is the biggest, most important power in Asia, but it looks at the global problems with a responsible attitude," said Marta Matrai. "Many people try to find the secret of the Chinese miracle, and this book might help them get the answer," she added.

"The book of the Chinese president is a smart and wise one, which bears the messages of a 5,000 year-old culture," the governor of the Hungarian central bank Gyorgy Matolcsy said.

"One of the most important messages of this book is that behind every important economic result, there is a well functioning and steady state," Matolcsy noted, stressing that the "renewal of the China dream was a condition for a global renewal."

The book contains 79 chapters of speeches, talks, interviews, notes and letters that Xi made or wrote between November 2012 and June 2014.

The Hungarian version is the 19th foreign language into which the book has been translated. The book has been distributed in over 6.2 million copies worldwide.
