
Holiday traffic rush makes toll station parking lot (Oct. 8)

Gala ceremony marks Tibet's anniversary (Sept.8)

Ten honored foreign veterans fighting for China in WWII(Sept.5)

Veterans of counter-Japanese war attend V-Day parade(Sept.4)

Aircraft formations parade through Beijing sky(Sept.3)

Chinese President Xi Jinping reviews Chinese troops (Sept.3)

PLA soldiers rehearse ahead of Victory Day parade(Sept.3)

Press center of V-Day commemoration holds 3rd press conference(Sept.1)

In pics: international friends in Shanghai during the World Anti-Fascist War(Aug.26)

Post-90s bridegroom marries with 52-year-old bride (Aug.22)

Russian President Vladimir Putin rode to bottom of Black Sea (Aug.20)

White foams seen on road in first rainfall after Tianjin blasts (Aug. 19)

It is time to watch Qiangtang River tidal bore (Aug.18)

Infographic: Xi's major diplomacy (Aug.14)

Buildings emptied, containers out of shape: core region of Tianjin blasts(Aug.14)

China launches direct flight to Kenya (Aug.6)

Beverly Hillbillies in Chongqing spends 80 million yuan on building private botanical garden (Jul.29)

Hangzhou suffered heavy rain (Jul.24)

Firefighters launch Hollywood-style posters (July 22)

Chinese culture of "Water Town" introduced in Expo Milan 2015 (July 22)

Shandong's summer grain output reaches new high (July 21)