In 2016, China put forward the Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline. While recognizing the past achievements in China’s health care field since 1978, the outline put forward a requirement of creating a healthier China over the next 15 years: China must promote a healthy and civilized lifestyle while regarding precaution as the primary measure.
(With much pride, Stephen showcases 3M’s respirator masks for children aged 7-12 and for teens aged 12-17.)
China's plan on how to bring a healthier and safer life inspires 3M. Stephen is very proud that 3M launched a new product in 2017, which is respirator masks for ages 7-12 and for 12-17, and which is also the first GB2626 fully certified respirator mask for children in the marketplace. Technically, the GB2626 standard requires the company to test the masks’ inward leakage rates on individuals with different facial features. That means innovation has to be done, so as to make customized products.