The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival is annually marked on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, which falls June 20 this year. On the occasion, people have the custom of eating Zongzi - glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. It is interesting that Zongzi vary in shape and taste in different regions, let's have a look!
Beijing style 北京派
Beijing Zongzi, representatives of northern Zongzi, are mostly made with jujube or red bean paste.
Guangdong style 广东派
Compared with Beijing Zongzi, Guangdong Zongzi are smaller in size. Winter leaves wrapping glutinous rice, mung bean, egg yolk, mushrooms, peanuts, pork and lotus seed is the traditional practice of steamed Zongzi.