After around 100 days’ renovation, the Dayin Bookmall at KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Center) made a comeback on September 23.
Glory Glory Man United, as the reds go marching on on on. As the anthem played, a pop-up theater themed around Manchester United FC opened its doors to the Red Devils’ fans.
Named as Shanghai’s best-looking bookstore, Zhongshuge opened its new shop at the Songjiang Wanda Plaza.
There were 233 charity shops in Shanghai’s sub-districts, towns and villages by the end of 2020, said the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau at an event on September 5, which is China Charity Day.
Special Exhibition of Recovered Cultural Relics of the Tek Sing displays over 400 pieces of porcelain, including bowls, plates, cups, boxes, bottles and sculptures, thus giving a full picture of the discovered Dehua ceramics carried by the ship.